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Friday, February 9, 2018

A Single's Guide To Valentine's Day

Well, guys, it's that time of year again. The time where it seems like everywhere you look, someone's falling in love. Even most of your single buddies seem to be leaving the club this time of year.
Yes, Valentine's Day is coming up this Wednesday
On a holiday geared towards couples and celebrating love, you may find yourself asking, "what's a single supposed to do?"
For starters, whether you've been single since birth or have gone through a breakup or two, remember that there is nothing wrong with you. Don't lower your standards, dive right in to something you're not ready for, or give up hope because you seem to be the last single standing. I promise you that if you're meant to get married one day, your person is out there right now. And the wait will be worth it when you find them. That being said, there are still plenty of ways that you can have fun on Valentine's Day without someone to hold hands with! I'm aware that sounds so cheesy, but it's very true. Here are five romance-free ways you can celebrate Valentine's Day this year. 

1. Surprise a friend or family member with a gift

Nothing helps brighten the spirits (both yours and the person you're blessing) more than when you take the time to plan a surprise for someone you love. Whether it be giving your best friend something you know will make them smile, writing a letter to someone, or maybe just doing extra chores around the house without being asked so your mom doesn't have as much work to do; when you purposely go out of your way to make someone else's day, it not only makes them feel great, but it makes you feel great in return! 

2. Have an at home movie day 

Valentine's Day is in the middle of the week this year, so I'm aware everyone still has work and school, but when you get back home, you can kick back, switch on some Netflix, or put in some of your favorite DVDs, and have an at home movie day. I know that sounds almost depressing, and you're probably picturing a stereotypical single sitting on their couch eating ice cream while watching chick-flicks alone, but it's way more fun than it sounds. Trust me. Pop some popcorn, make some dinner, or pick up some of your favorite snacks, and just enjoy watching something that makes you laugh or smile... or if you're like me, turn on some musicals and start singing (and even dancing) along...

3. Give yourself a spa day 

Now, this one's for the ladies only, but roughly 90% of my audience is female, so I think it's safe to include this. You don't have to have someone to be dressing up for in order to relax and do a face mask and/or a mani-pedi. Taking a warm bath or shower, changing into some fluffy pj's or a bathrobe, and giving your nails a makeover is a great way to relax and have fun.

4. Write letters to your future spouse 

This one is my personal favorite. When I was 14, I penned my first letter to my future husband... And now he has half a notebook full of 'em. Whenever I'm feeling lonely, or I'm struggling with my singleness, or maybe I'm just in a daydream mood, I pick up a pen and some paper and write to my future husband. I may not know who he is yet, where he is, how old he is, e.t.c., but God knows! And wherever he is, if it is in God's plan for me to get married one day, chances are he won't ever get to know teenage me. Getting to share parts of who you are, your prayers for them, and your thoughts and feelings at this stage in your journey is a great way to help through hard times in singleness, as well as a great way for them to one day feel as if they got to know a you they maybe never got to meet. It will bless them, and you'll have a blast writing! I cannot recommend this one enough.

And finally...

5. Stay offline 

This is more of a tip than a way to have fun, but nonetheless, it is IMPORTANT. The more time you spend online, the more cute couple pictures and announcements you'll see. And that's not a bad thing in and of itself, I'm not saying to avoid every picture and status update you see, but if it's causing you to feel jealous or depressed, log off. Don't stay jealous and upset forever, you log off to work on fixing that before logging back on, but stay off long enough to refocus. Remember, you are right where you're meant to be. One day you will meet the right person for you, and you will be so glad you didn't rush into anything back when you wanted to. All of your desires and feelings are natural, but you can decide whether or not you act on them. This Valentine's Day, I challenge all the single people, along with myself, to hand over the pen that writes your love story. Because I promise you, God is a much better author than any of us could ever be. 

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