One of the biggest lies that the devil throws at us is that we’re stuck. That our lives are over, and that nothing good will ever come to us again, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Often times, this lie tends to go hand in hand with a deep guilt over something that we’ve done, and we find ourselves believing that nothing good can ever come our way again, or ever stick around, because of the mistakes we’ve made in the past.
Many of us have found ourselves believing those lies at some point or another, and you may be wrestling those lies right now. If you are, I want you this post to be as if I’m speaking directly to you. No matter what you’ve done, or what you feel, your story is not over yet. And you know what’s more?
The best is yet to come.
Your life is not over; it’s only just beginning!!!! I don’t know the number of your days, but I don’t need to to know that this truth applies to you. Jesus came into this world to save us from our guilt, and all of our sins. Through Him, you are free. He loves you so much that He wants you to have good and perfect gifts. He wants to not only get you out of hard circumstances, but He wants to completely remove the grip that those past or present struggles have on you. You know how I know? Isaiah 43:18-19. John 3:16-17. James 1:17. There are so many verses that back this truth up!
When we give our hearts to Jesus, and choose to live for Him from there on out (repenting of our sins whenever we feel the conviction, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to help us live a life of righteousness, spending time with Jesus in prayer and in praise and the Word, and so forth), He WANTS us to have hope and a future. He WANTS us to be free from guilt, shame, and all grips of darkness. We can rest in the reality that who Jesus is is enough, and is the answer to everything we face, and that our best is then yet to come. We will experience greater joy, peace, and freedom than we ever have in our lives. Even if our days from there are short, or we struggle with hard battles for more days than we wish we did, this truth still remains because we then have the hope of Heaven!!
It all boils down to this: do you believe that Jesus is who He says He is? That He loves you more than anyone or anything else out there? That He loves you even when you don’t love yourself? That He wants your best even when you’re at your worst? That He can do miracles? That He’s still good and loving if He doesn’t? Or if it doesn’t feel like it?
When we get to the point where we believe that… everything changes. There is newfound strength, joy, peace, freedom, excitement, and hope. No longer do our hopeless situations define us. No longer do the hard things in life cause us to crumble under the weight. He renews our strength so we soar on wings like the eagles. No longer are we a slave to sin, but we are alive in Christ!! And we don’t deserve it. And it sounds too good to be true… but He is the God of too good to be true. Except with Him, it’s true. The question is, do we believe that?
Are we willing to let go of our doubts and believe that? Even though it’s hard? Are we willing to live for Him even when it’s not comfortable? Do we really believe that Jesus is who He says He is?
Once we believe that, we can’t help but live for Him, because we know that it’s the least we can do. Once we live for Him, the best is always yet to come. Whether we’re at our worst, or our best in this life, we still have Heaven to look forward to, which will forever be better than the best we can ever imagine. You’re not stuck. Things aren’t hopeless. Your life is not over. Do you believe?
And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free...
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