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Friday, March 9, 2018

Be Still-2

Ever wish you could rip apart your to-do list, and just relax for awhile? As life goes on, it just gets crazier and crazier. Your responsibilities keep piling up higher and higher, until it seems as if you have no free time whatsoever. I made a post about being still a couple weeks ago, and this will be part 2 of who knows how many in that series. Last post's topic was pride. This post's topic is... 
drum roll please...............
Stress is one of those feelings that's never really explained to us as a child, we just grow to understand its meaning as we mature. Explaining what stress means is more difficult than it seems. (At least for me but then again I'm not very good with words) Have you ever tried to explain what that feeling is? My explanation is that first sentence in this blog post. 
That feeling when you want to just rip apart your to-do list and relax for awhile.
The Bible tells us to be still and know that God is God.
Ever read that and think something along the lines of, "if only I could be still!"
Or maybe in the back of your mind you read that and think something along the lines of, "I'll be still later, there's just too much I have to get done today."
Personally?... I'm guilty.
Some days I'll wake up thinking about that to-do list. I'll look at the clock when my alarm goes off and think, "I can get a few more minutes of sleep before this crazy day starts..."
Those days, I end up sleeping in. When I wake up the second time, I have no time to "be still", I have to rush into the day. 
That alarm is set at the time it is so that I can get up to an hour of quiet time in before my earthquake of a day begins.
But when I ignore it, when I don't choose to be still for awhile... 
That earthquake is never steadied. 
When I was praying and thinking about what to name my blog, God placed this concept on my heart of how my own mind resembled more of an earthquake than a river.
I'm thinking about so many things all throughout the day, it's complete chaos.
But God brings peace in it.
Life with Him is like a steady earthquake.
That's the message I wanted to share more than anything.
That's the message I want my life to show.
But I can't show it if I'm not taking the time to let Him steady my earthquake.
So how can we be still when there's just so much that needs to get done?
You might be thinking, "I just don't have any time to be still." 
My friend, we need to make the time.
We need to make the effort.
I'm not condemning you if you skip out on quiet times, I do the same thing more often than I wished I did. 
But I'm challenging you all, as well as myself, to make the time this week to just take 15 minutes out of your busy day to switch off the distractions, escape into a quiet place where you can't hear or see anything that will cause your mind to wander, and just be with God. It can be longer than 15 minutes if you'd like, but my challenge is just start with 15 minutes a day for seven days.
Because stress is an earthquake. A violent earthquake. 
But life with Him?.... 
It's a steady one.
Let's be still 

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