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Friday, May 11, 2018

What If I Have No Testimony?

I'll spare the long story, but for the past month or so, I have had the honor of being apart of what is called the "Expressive Worship Team" at my new church. To make it official, and handle all the legal stuff, the director gave me an application to fill out last Sunday. Usually, you'd fill this out before getting chosen to be on the team. Again, I'll spare the long story, but the reason I was technically already on the team even without going through the process has nothing to do with me. I am not some special chosen one whom the rules don't apply to, or whom everyone wants to be on the team. I had childhood training, the leaders know me, and it was something I was praying about probably since I joined this church back in April.
All that aside, now back to the story.
One of the things you had to fill out on the application was your testimony.
I was instructed to, "Give a brief description of how you came into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ."
I had to fill out things on there about my baptism, what ministries I'm involved in, even if I had ever experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit; yet oddly enough, the part about the testimony had me the most nervous. 
The reason why?
I don't one. 
I was nervous because my "testimony" goes something like this:
"I was raised in a Christian home, homeschooled since pre-k, had Christian grandparents and great-grandparents on both sides, going back generations.
I was baptized on my 10th birthday, I have never had a non-Christian friend, I've never really questioned my beliefs...
Basically, I was born into this whole thing. 
However, on March 19th, 2017, I can't explain what happened. 
I was listening to the song 'Here's My Heart-Live' by Casting Crowns, and it moved me deeply. 
I fell to my knees in tears, and gave my life to Jesus right there on my bedroom floor.
From then on, my life was not the same.
I loved people better, I loved life more, I was less anxious all the time, and an almost physical light actually began to develop in my eyes, along with a plethora of other things that I don't know how to put into words. 
I found something worth dying for that day, and from then on, I have felt an indescribable peace and have been filled with unexplainable joy that I wouldn't trade for the world.
He became my everything that night."

It's so boring, I was afraid they wouldn't want me on the team because it wasn't "good" enough.
But, I wrote it out, and turned it in anyway. 
And I haven't been told I can't be on the team yet, so I assume my fears were in vain, as they so often are.
I know I'm not the only person who struggles with comparing their testimony, or thinking theirs isn't worthy of even being called that.
I've had conversations with many different friends about this, and I think more than one person will be able to relate to how we all feel.
I write this post as an encouragement to you.
If you feel like you don't have a testimony, I challenge you to look deeper.
When was that moment that this whole Jesus thing became real to you?
When was the moment that you felt His love for the first time?
And it can be more than one moment too! 
Heck, my testimony is a two-parter, going from March to June.
Honestly, once your eyes are opened to all that God is doing in your life, every day becomes part of your testimony.
Whenever we just stop and look back on our lives, marveling at all the amazing things God has done... That's a testimony. 
One of my favorite hymns is 'Amazing Grace'. I know that's a little cliché, but it's true.
My favorite line, and the one that can bring tears to my eyes when I think about it,
"Was blind but now I see"
Because really, that's what a testimony is in one sentence.
The moment when you saw for the first time. 
And that is life changing. You may think your story sounds boring, but even if your testimony is like mine, where you were raised in this faith but it didn't click for you until "randomly" one day, that's beautiful.
What is your testimony?
When did you see for the first time?
Don't compare that moment to anyone else's.
Treasure it in your heart, make it real to you. 
I promise, whatever it may be...
You do have a testimony. And it's beautiful.

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