They say there's this thing called "burnout" that can strike anyone at any time.
I've experienced that more than once, and testify that it is really hard to fight through.
Impossible to fight through alone, difficult to fight through with others by your side, tough to fight through with prayer...
I believe burnout is real, and I also believe the same can happen with dreams.
In time the dream just... burns away.
You don't believe it can become reality anymore, and even if it can, you don't believe it could ever happen to you.
I've been there, and it's very hard.
A few weeks ago, I remember telling God, through tears, "I never want [my dream] to become reality. Because it would never turn out the way I've been praying for. That just doesn't happen. Not in the real world... Not to me." (Words altered a bit but message the same)
If there's a term for that, I haven't found it yet. The best way I can think of to describe it is simply, "burnout". A dream burning out.
Burnout affects one's passion and energy.
It makes it very easy to forget it all, in fact.
I believe much the same happens when a dream goes through burnout.
But, my friend... There is hope.
There is always hope.
I often say that God is a God Who wants to see you live your dreams.
I say that because that's what He's proven to be in my life.
I've had complete breakdowns when a dream is touched by burnout.
I've gone through weeks of pain because of it.
More than once, I've given up on a dream, and let the despair consume me.
And then...
God proves what the Bible says about Him is true. He loves us, He cares for us, He knows the plans He has for us, He wants to see us happy, He gives us the desires of our hearts (I believe He GIVES them to us. Unless it is clearly against His Word, I believe He places our desires on our hearts for us.), and He is faithful.
I want to speak that into someone today.
Open your eyes and dream again.
Because, I assure you...
Those dreams can still become reality.
I remember when you were bright-eyed, ready to chase the world. You weren't afraid of the impossible, the illogical, the unusual. You were ready to be different, you were wanting to be different. Every day was a leap of faith, as you pressed on into the world you saw. To the world everyone else was blind to. You took risks, you took chances, you just went wherever God led you.
I remember when you were going to change the world. You were going to point it to Christ, let Him flow through you, do whatever He told you to, go wherever He led.
Until your spirit's second sight went dead.
In fact, you locked your spirit away altogether.
I remember when you didn't let the impossible hold you back from achieving your dreams.
You would press on even when the world was against you.
You didn't pay attention to what they said about you, you just went where the Spirit led you.
Dreamer, when did logic become so important to you?
When did you stop following?
When did you decide to let your hope fade?
Why oh why did you put out your flame?
To the dreamer who once lived with childlike joy...
You were eager to trust, overflowing with love.
You wanted to open up your heart to the tall and the small, you didn't know how you'd do it, you just had faith through it all.
When you got to a gate, you'd climb above it. When you come across a fork in the road, you'd just keep walking.
So when did that gate become a mountain in your eyes?
When did that fork in the road multiply?
When did you choose to throw out that joy?
Dreamer, tell me. Was growing up worth it?
If you could go back, would you do it again?
Would you throw out your life, or lay down the pen?
Dreamer, listen to me, there's hope.
Remember that passion, remember that joy.
Ignite your fire, unlock your soul.
Dreamer, look up and listen. Ask Him where to go.
I'm writing to you as a sister and friend.
I want you to know you can start again.
All the bruises and scars you've let come your way, you don't have to let them lead you astray.
Remember your faith
Remember your zeal
Remember your King who gave you your dreams.
Remember who you are, Dreamer...
And who you will be.
I write to you, dreamer...
Because you were me."
-words from past blog post
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