Have you ever found yourself reading something in the Bible and then completely forgetting what it is that you just read a minute later?
Be honest here.
Maybe you start out focused and interested, and then as you read on you start to notice your mind slowly wandering to your to-do list, or to thinking about someone or something, or worrying about something in the past or future.
If I'm being truthful, I'd have to admit that this happens to me just about every day.
It's not that I don't WANT to focus... It just sort of... Happens.
Can you relate to that?
It doesn't even have to be with your Bible readings; it can be in school, at work, while talking to someone, doing the dishes, folding laundry, singing, dancing, writing, praying, working out, you name it.
Have you ever noticed your mind being one place while your body's another?
If you find you can relate, you're not alone.
One of the things I've been trying to work on in my life lately has been learning to be present wherever I find myself.
So often I can become so focused on my thoughts, worries, or feelings that I become oblivious to all the beauty in the moment I currently find myself in.
Whether it be while praying, reading the Bible, worshiping, during school, working, or even the little things like doing stuff around the house or being out with friends or family.
I get so distracted by my own thoughts that even though I find myself physically present, I'm not really there.
So what can we do about it?
Something I've been really trying lately is to:
1. Take a breath
2. Cast my worries upon Jesus
and 3. Just choose to stop thinking about anything that doesn't relate to where I am and what I'm doing at that time.
If I'm doing school and find myself thinking about what I'm going to eat for lunch, I just tell myself to focus and think about lunch when lunch comes.
If I find myself working out and worrying about how something I said may have come across to somebody, I choose to focus on the workout and clear things up afterwards.
If I'm doing the dishes and find myself analyzing every detail about my friendship with a guy, I just choose to let the friendship be what it is and worry about how I'd respond to something more when it comes up (should it ever come up).
Life is so beautiful and so much more enjoyable when we're living it outside of ourselves.
God intends for us to live our lives to the FULL.
He wants us to be at PEACE and enjoy all the beauty around us.
I challenge you this week to be present.
Don't let yourself get all up in your head when there's something happening around you right now that you'll never get back once it's gone.
Be present today.
This life is an earthquake. Always moving, always shaking us unexpectedly... Come journey with me as we discover the peace hidden in it all.
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