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Friday, February 1, 2019

Look to the Lord

Do you ever find yourself doubting that you're capable?
Have you ever felt exhausted trying to balance everything, and been tempted to stop trying?

Are you someone who wrestles with fears and worries that you won't be "good enough" or that you're unable to put your all into something or someone because you just can't handle all that you've been given to take on?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, this post is for you

I've found myself in that boat for the past couple of weeks.
God has been giving me so many wonderful opportunities and experiences, and I thank Him for them every day.

The only thing is that there are SO many of them coming my way lately that if I even take my eyes off of the Lord for a second, I get overwhelmed and can't handle it all.

I want you to read that last sentence again

I get overwhelmed and exhausted whenever I take my eyes off of the Lord.
When my eyes are on Him and His strength, I don't seem to feel stressed out.

I get so focused on how powerful He is, and how He is working through me, that I forget my own weaknesses and incapability.
I've been praying a lot lately for God to help me fix my gaze upon Him and His strength rather than my own- to seek Him above everything in this world.

There's an analogy for this that can be found in Matthew.

The disciples are in a boat out at sea, and Jesus comes walking on the water to meet with them.
Peter asks Jesus to tell him to come to Him on the water if it is really Him.

Jesus tells him to come, and Peter walks safely on top of the waves when his eyes are on the Lord.
But when he saw the wind, he became afraid and began to sink.

We only sink when we choose to focus on the wind rather than the One Who made it

If you've been focusing on the wind and waves lately, and feel yourself beginning to sink, I want to challenge you to take a deep breath and turn your eyes to Jesus. I think you'll be amazed at the outcome.

"Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always." -1 Chronicles 16:11

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