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Friday, February 15, 2019

Know Your Worth

To the one who just spent another Valentine's Day alone...

And the one who just broke up with the one they thought they'd celebrate with...

To the one who's been hurt and treated unfairly...

And the one who gave up believing they're able to be loved...

I want you to know your worth 

With every couple you see, every broken dream, every restless night, every time you wonder if you're not doing something right, I want you to know that you're worthy of love. 

I want you to know that you are a priceless pearl. 
It doesn't matter who does or doesn't see it, you are a jewel that deserves someone who will look at you like they know it and cherish it. 

You are worth so much more than this world makes you believe

I know everywhere you turn seems to tell you otherwise, and you might not believe me but you are a treasure.

I was born two days before Valentine's Day. I've always sort of been distracted with that when the holiday rolls around, and as a result of that I have never really felt that loneliness that most singles feel on February 14th.  

But I know what it's like to feel lonely, or to wish you had someone special in your life; and I want to reach out to anyone who might be feeling that way because of yesterday's posts and celebrations.

If there is one thing I wish I could help everyone believe it is that there is so much more to life than romance, and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you just because you don't have anyone interested in you in that way right now.

You can live life to the full even as a single

Life is so beautiful and so amazing even when you're going at it solo.

In fact, as crazy as this may sound, this season of just you and God is probably one of the most beautiful seasons there is. 

You are never going to get back the time you spend as a single. And I know most of you probably rejoice at that thought, but don't rush through this season wishing you were in another.

I promise you that this season will change or end one day, but once it does you are never going to get it back. I want you to spend these moments finding who you are, figuring out what you want in a spouse/relationship, learning and growing right where you are, discovering the hidden beauty in everything around, and knowing your worth.

You're still loved.

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