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Friday, April 19, 2019

"Good" Friday?

"It is finished".

Three simple words that couldn't be more powerful.

I've heard and read the Resurrection story probably thousands, if not millions, of times.
Growing up, I always just sort of brushed it all aside instead of deeply pondering every word until it came alive to me. 
As I've been diving deeper into the Bible over the past few years, the reality of what Jesus did for me 
has been reaching my inmost being, and it has left me craving to hear every detail again and again. 

Something I've been really thinking about, since finally paying attention to this story, is how horrible "Good" Friday must have been.
I've asked myself before why we would call a day so dark and painful "good".
People turned on Jesus, while others were experiencing crushed hope.
Those who loved Him were experiencing deep grief, while those who hated Him rejoiced. 
A spotless Lamb had been mocked, beaten, spit upon, tortured,  and ultimately slain.

His mother wept at the foot of His cross.
Darkness covered until late in the afternoon.
God had to turn His back on His Son, and Jesus cried out, "My God, My God! Why have You forsaken Me?"

Nothing about that day classifies as "good"... 
And yet, so many years later, we celebrate.
Because we know what came next. 
We have the hope of knowing that though this may seem like the end, Sunday's coming just around the bend. 

Good Friday was the worst Friday until Sunday.

And now, we rejoice. 
For because of that weekend, we are never alone.
The curtain is torn. 
We can come to God with everything in our lives, and live holy through the power of His Spirit. 

THAT, my friends, is why this day is so good. 
Because now we have the hope that through every Friday we come to... 
Sunday's coming. 

Happy Resurrection weekend, everyone. 

May the evidence of God's intimate love for you cause your spirits to come alive this day.

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