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Friday, January 12, 2018

What To Do About the "What Ifs"

When I started this blog a few weeks ago, I made the decision to take every blog post one week at a time. I started trying to write many weeks at a time as drafts, and only post one every Friday... But then I felt it laid on my spirit to take it one week at a time, and write according to what that week has brought. As a planner, this decision was hard for me to make.
However, had I not made it, almost none of my blog posts would be here. 
Sometimes it's easy to think of what to write, sometimes it takes a few days of thinking, and other times I don't know what I'm going to write about until my fingers hit the keyboard. 
Those are my favorite posts.
Every time I have no idea what to say, that's when I'm reminded that I can't do this alone.
Writing is just a hobby of mine, I truly never expect to make a career out of it or even make money with it at all.
But starting a blog was still a big jump for me, because I knew that it would require a weekly commitment, and I didn't think I'd be able to come up with something to say every week.
That's the fear that kept me from putting my writing out there for a long time.
I was afraid that I wouldn't know what to say, that I'd get so busy that I'd forget about my post for that week, that I'd run out of topics. 
Every time I feel it laid on my heart to say something, that fear comes up.
I spend so much time living in the future, and worrying about it, that the fear consumes me.
And then I hear a voice rush over my spirit saying:
"For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say." -Luke 12:12
I'm reminded to not be afraid when I don't know what to say. Because the Holy Spirit will teach me what to say when that time comes. I don't have to prepare in advance what to say, He will speak through me at that time. I just need to trust Him.
And so far, He's never failed to give me words when I go to write.
I'm learning that I always need to be taught.
And that journey brings a new lesson every week.
I can't do this alone.
I don't know what God is calling you to do, but don't let the "what if" fears keep you from doing it. Because He will teach you what to do when you get to that moment.
Every time we don't know what to do next is a moment for God to show us what He can do through us. It's a reminder that we're too weak alone.
Thankfully, we're not alone. 
I pray that you find rest in knowing that whatever it is that you're worried about, whatever it is you're scared about, God will teach you how to climb that mountain when you get to it.
But for now... 
Let's simply be.

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