As I was reflecting on this past week to begin the writing of this blog post, many possible topics came to mind. I could elaborate on the topic I just made a video on called "Seasons Change" Link
or I could do a post on dreams becoming reality...
I could do a post on patience, or making the most of life right where you are...
And the more I thought about it, the harder it was to pick a topic.
So many things have been on my mind this week, and I honestly didn't know where to begin.
Also, in starting a YouTube channel, it makes it harder to keep coming out with new content on every platform.
Some days I just feel worn. Some nights I'll stay up until midnight editing or writing or rehearsing, and it just feels like there aren't enough hours in the day at times.
And don't get me wrong, I love what I do so much and wouldn't trade any of it for the world. It can just make me tired sometimes, keeping up with it all.
As I thought about this, I realized that I had found my topic, and it is the title of this post: supernatural strength.
Speaking as a student juggling life's needs as well as school, I think most of us need supernatural strength at this point in the semester (and year) more than ever.
Anyone out there relate?
It just seems like there's so much to do and not enough time to do it all. And with school on top of it all, I find it's very easy to get overwhelmed, or get tempted to slack off in one of my responsibility areas.
Last year, around this same time, I got super stressed out. It lasted until about early August, and I've been free of it until just a week or so ago, when I noticed the stress beginning to return.
I began praying for the energy, motivation, and strength to get everything done that I need to every day, and God began to answer that prayer by giving me His strength. His supernatural strength.
One thing I've been learning, as God has been helping me throughout this, is that though I may have a lot on my plate at times, there's a way to stay relaxed and strong during it all.
Instead of counting up the items on my to-do list, and frantically praying my way through each task, I learned a way that I could breathe and give my all in everything rather than just checking off one thing at a time.
Over the course of last year's stressful spring/summer, I found a verse, via my drama director's incredible encouragement to the cast, that I now call my life verse:
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
-Colossians 3:23
At the beginning of my sophomore year, this past fall, I began to speak this verse to myself whenever I would get stressed out.
I worked harder than I ever have in my life at school, in drama class, in ballet, in jazz, in working out and eating healthier, in chores, in friendships, in my family relationships, in absolutely every area of my life.
And it brought me peace.
When I stopped focusing on everything I had to do each day, and instead started focusing on pouring everything I had inside of me into what I was doing right then... It brought me peace.
And in these past few weeks, as the stress has been returning, I've begun to try that method again.
Instead of panicking as my to-do list keeps growing, and worrying about all the future tasks I'll have to add to that in the next few months, I've begun working wholeheartedly at whatever I am doing right then.
There's a song I love by Matthew West called 'All In' and I have it on my sophomore, junior, and senior year playlists now.
The chorus says:
I'm going all in
Head first into the deep end
I hear You calling
And this time the fear won't win
I'm going all in
God will give you supernatural strength if you choose to ask for it. However, it's up to us to decide what we do with that strength.
Will we try to distribute it unevenly amongst all our tasks?
Or will we decide to pour out all of that strength right where we are, trusting God will continue to refill it in every new area?
You hear it said all the time, but we really are the only Bible some people will ever read.
Our ultimate goal in life is to bring glory to God.
What better way to bring Him glory than by choosing to go all in?
The more you pour yourself out, the more He will refill you, and the more others will see a piece of the amazing God we serve.
For every student out there, trying to balance life with school and quite often work as well, you can do this. You're so close to the finish line, it's time to go all in.
For every graduate trying to make a life for themselves that looks like the one God has for them, unsure of what will happen next, you can do this. It's time to go all in.
For everyone who's stressed out, and everyone who's fighting to make ends meet...
For everyone who's nervously pursuing their illogical call, and everyone who's afraid to, it's time to go all in.
Will you go all in?
If ever your eyes fall upon these words, my prayer for you is that you are filled with supernatural strength in every area of your life.
I pray you find peace, joy, and excitement right where you are, and that you never fail to return to it even when you stray.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you.
May He lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.
Nothing broken, nothing missing, all complete.
And that which has bound us to chaos is broken.
This life is an earthquake. Always moving, always shaking us unexpectedly... Come journey with me as we discover the peace hidden in it all.
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